Tuesday, May 22, 2012 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (CT)
How do you connect with prospective employers when everyone, including your current boss, can see your social profiles? Is your Klout score important? Should you cull your past tweets to get rid of your rants? Our Social Media Club Austin panel will discuss these and other burning questions that are top of mind for job seekers and top talent in Austin.
This May 22 panel focuses on how social networks have transformed the recruiting process. Learn how corporate and agency recruiters use social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to find and cherry-pick the best talent. Panelists will share both sound advice and cautionary tales about the importance of your online presence in today's job market.
Our panelists are Will Staney of SuccessFactors, Bryan Chaney of Aon and Social Media Breakfast Austin, and Meredith Hall of Dell, and Jodie Garrison of ARM. SMCAustin VP
Oscar Davila will moderate. Also, hiring managers from local companies including Spredfast, BuildASign.com and Third Coast Search, will be available to meet you, answer questions and talk about career opportunities. Check our Facebook group or Twitter feed as we add to the