Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Join #SMCA for the May Panel on Social Recruiting

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (CT)

How do you connect with prospective employers when everyone, including your current boss, can see your social profiles? Is your Klout score important? Should you cull your past tweets to get rid of your rants? Our Social Media Club Austin panel will discuss these and other burning questions that are top of mind for job seekers and top talent in Austin.

This May 22 panel focuses on how social networks have transformed the recruiting process. Learn how corporate and agency recruiters use social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to find and cherry-pick the best talent. Panelists will share both sound advice and cautionary tales about the importance of your online presence in today's job market.

Our panelists are Will Staney of SuccessFactors, Bryan Chaney of Aon and Social Media Breakfast Austin, and Meredith Hall of Dell, and Jodie Garrison of ARM. SMCAustin VP
Oscar Davila will moderate. Also, hiring managers from local companies including Spredfast, BuildASign.com and Third Coast Search, will be available to meet you, answer questions and talk about career opportunities. Check our Facebook group or Twitter feed as we add to the

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Geeks Unite - I Heart OneNote!

What is OneNote, you ask? Alas, let me tell you! If you have read this far back in my blog - http://missrecruiter.blogspot.com/2008/04/green-recruiting.html -you'll know that I'm a little bit of a tree hugger and really love to proselytize a paper-free office.  Down with paper resumes, manila file folders and big boxes of people's confidential information lying around a cube farm! Dell is a leader in the environmental responsibility space and even collects all our pre-employment paperwork and offer letters electronically... this makes me really proud.

OK, back to my point. For those of you that also love clutter-free offices, OneNote is an amazing electronic organization tool. It allows the user to create notebooks, and folders within those notebooks to store notes, documents and projects. URLs, screenshots, and emails can be embedded into OneNote with a simple right click of the mouse, as well.

For recruiting, I use it to keep all my candidate interview notes (rather than writing them),  record intake sessions with managers, and track activity for certain teams or requisitions within a folder. I keep my to-do list there, take and store meeting notes, and track my performance management actions there, as well. For my team, each member has a tab, and I tuck away notes regarding coaching and accomplishments, so at the end of this year, I'll have all that information organized. I even started a folder for blog ideas. I just started a skeleton for a post to be published on Dell's external corporate blog Direct2Dell. Standby for that posting soon!

I also have a personal notebook as well. Each of my kids has a folder, and I track personal projects like the kid-free vacation to Maui I'm planning in September (had to throw that in there, because I'm counting down the days!) - I have my itinerary, rental car confirmation/ receipts, hotel confirmations, excursion ideas, etc. all in one folder.

If you're interested in learning more about OneNote, but don't know where to start, check out the links below. This awesome tool is definitely Miss Recruiter recommended!

Get started with Microsoft Office OneNote 2007


Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Miss Recruiter Got Schooled Today

I attended Blogging 101 today through Dell's Social Media and Community University, and feel inspired to do some writing! I logged on to Blogger to post something *brilliant* (still working on that), and got a notice that I needed to update my browser to Google Chrome for Blogger to function at its best capacity. I would assume because Google owns Blogger, they have the ability to force us to use their proprietary browser instead of Internet Explorer, a MS product. I thought briefly about switching to Word Press out of rebellion, but then I'd lose 6 years of content, and that would be a shame. So I gave in and downloaded the tool!

Are any of you out there Google Chrome users? How does it differ from IE? Should I use this for everyday, or just for blogging? Does anyone have best practices for using Google Chrome? 

I'm also interested in utilizing Google Reader to keep abreast of all my favorite blogs. What are some of the blogs that you follow and enjoy the most? Mommy blogs? Recruiting blogs? Technology blogs? Which ones do you recommend that I add to my Google Reader list?

And last, I learned in class what TLDR and DIAF means... Gold star goes to the first responder who knows what these mean! What's your guess?

Miss Recruiter